Countdown to Founder's Birthday
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Pick Ups will begin July 23rd. Message us regarding delivery options.
Beauty Basket
Bask in your beauty. Some days we wake up like this and others we add a couple of steps. Add to your routine some items from Mother Melanin. Set some to time to have a self-care day. Take care of your mind, body, and soul while you use their natural products that is gentle on your skin
Follow them on Instagram: @m.m.naturals
Creativity Basket
Look upon artwork that makes you feel alive. The works you may be gifted were made with passion. Like my own creations, these were expressions of the world around you. See it through the eyes of two amazing artists, Corey and Gabrielle. See their hearts on the canvas. Feel the emotion in the paint. Hear the stories in the strokes. Have a piece of passion at your fingertips.
See their work on Instagram: @artofbutters and @thetwerkingartist
Joy Basket
Sometimes you just need some positive words and retail therapy. You can create your own joy in any situation. This basket comes with an Amazon Gift Card. Use it however you wish. Get something for your home, your friends, some clothes, whatever your heart desires. There will also be surprise items you may use for your home to encourage that joy. ​
Care Basket
Of course we want you to have a chance at an experience with us. It is up to the winner to obtain that memory through one of our picnix or through a dessert. Enjoy $75 off an Elegant Picnix or a free Classix Picnix. Book your picnix to be set within the year. This picnix will include all amenities excluding add-ons and customizable items. Choose from available themes and colors. If it is a treat you seek order an 8" cake that serves up to 16. This cake will be gifted with no charge. Choose any available flavor and we will work with you to create a beautiful design.
Picnix must be set in the tri-county area (Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade County). Cake must be able to be picked up in Fort Lauderdale Area.
Follow us on Instagram: @d.e.e.bakeshop and @dee.picnix ​